Advanced Estate Planning

From your Personal Investment Advisor

While Advanced Planning can mean different things to different people, our Investment Advisors focus on your specific financial situation and help you understand and navigate every area that may be involved, so you can retire comfortably, and remain comfortably retired.
  • Certified Business Valuation – ​Determine the true economic value of your business.
  • Wealth Transfer – Facilitate most tax efficient methods to pass on assets, minimize complexity and costs.
  • Business Sale Guidance – Advise through the various options in maximizing the sale of your business.
  • Exit Plan – Review and consult through the three steps; Exit Objective, Exit Foundations, and Exit Guidance.
  • Tax Planning and Preparation – Identify short and long-term options after the sale to minimize taxation impacts and related costs.
  • Investment Management – Provide personalized analysis of recommendations to focus on priorities and achieve goals.
  • Tax Planning and Preparation – Review short and long-term options in conjunction with your plans and goals.
  • Estate Planning – Facilitate most tax efficient methods to pass on assets, minimize complexity and costs.
  • Retirement Planning – Identify most effective strategy to maximize priorities and achieve your goals.
  • Annuity Advice – Review how annuities may be a part of your overall financial situation.
  • Life Insurance Analysis – Review and understand your current policy as it relates to your overall goals and expectations.
  • Net Worth Statement – Complete financial analysis of where you are, where you can go, and how to get there.
  • Wealth Protection – Minimize impacts of taxes, debt liabilities, health care issues, natural disasters, and other possible interruptions.
  • Charitable Giving – Provide advice on gifting strategies that provide tax benefits while ensuring positive contributions for the charity.