

Who We Are, What We Do, and How You Benefit

Take a look at the four major services we provide to our clients – Investment Advisory Services, Certified Public Accounting, Business Valuation, and Business Sales – and learn how they all interact for the benefits of our clients.


Considering an annuity? This detailed video provides valuable information you may not have considered regarding the features or drawbacks of an annuity, especially when compared to a well-diversified portfolio.

Minimizing Owner Compensation Taxes

Don’t leave money on the table by missing out on compensation planning, money that could be used to develop investments outside your business and accelerate your success in Joining the 2% Club.

Pick Your Value or Pick Your Date

Too often business owners aim for a specific date to execute their succession plan. We encourage you to frame a 5-year window, and if the value you need to satisfy your financial plan is available, take the money and retire. Here’s why…

News and Information

The image depicts a classical-style structure labeled "CLIENT INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO," supported by three pillars representing "Custodian" (Charles Schwab), "Centralized Investment Management Team," and "Investment Advisor."

Our ‘Three Pillars Investment’ program that is designed to provide a secure and stable foundation for our client’s Investment Portfolio is guided by the core principals of a Nobel Prize winning philosophy. To learn more about this internationally recognized award, along with the man and his collaborators, please read these links:  Nobel Prize Award  –  The Pioneer of Passive Investing 


Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects a computer and restricts users’ access to it until a ransom is paid to unlock it. In other words, if you want to continue to do business, you may need to pay someone a sum of money to regain access. This was the number one cause of loss in small-midsize businesses… (Learn More).